
Saturday, December 21, 2013

How To OverLap A Div On Another Div C#

In this tutorial I will show you how can you overlap a div on another div. This is usefull for dropdowns

For this 2 properties of css are important
  • z-index:1;
  • position:absolute;
The z-index is use to define which div will appear in front, it does this by assigning a number so for example a div with z-index:1 will overlap a div with z-index:0


The div which you want to overlap to another div should have a property of either position:absolute or position:Fixed

I hope it was informative for you and I would like to Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Connect ASPNETDB withVisual Studio

While configuring Web Site Administration Tool if you have encounters the following errors than you are at the right place 
  • There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store.
  • The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Unable to connect to SQL Server database.

Provider Management

Could not establish a connection to the database.
If you have not yet created the SQL Server database, exit the Web Site Administration tool, use the aspnet_regsql command-line utility to create and configure the database, and then return to this tool to set the provider.

Solving this issue is quite simple, just follow the simple steps

1. Fist run the utility aspnet_regsql.exe to create your ASPNETDB

Now in order to connect to this DB within your visual studio

2. Inside Visual studio open up your project web.config file

3. Add the following lines inside <configuration> tag 


    <remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
    <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=.;DataBase=aspnetdb; Integrated security=true;"/>


There are three things in this connection string
  • data source (If your database is present on the machine on which you are working than leave it as it is)
  • DataBase (If you have explicitly changed your DataBase name than change aspnetdb with your DataBase Name)
  • integrated security (If you are using windows authentication than leave it as it is)
4. Save and Built

That's it now start ASP.NET Configuration(WSAT) and it should work properly this time

I hope it was informative for you and I would like to Thank you for reading

Tuesday, December 17, 2013



In oracle you can import and export user's schema i.e. tables and fields. This is important in a situation when you have created the tables on your computer and now want to move them on another computer.

In this tutorial I will first show you how to export the schema of a particular user and than how to import that schema. I will export the schema of user scott, you can use other account as well.

1. Open up your cmd

2. Now type exp scott file=c:\exp_scott.dmp

  • scott is the name of user who's schema I just exported
  • You can change the path and file name according to your need
Now I will create a new account name "ali" and imp this schema in that account, CLICK HERE if you don't know how to create an account in Oracle.

Now in order to imp the schema

3. Type imp fromuser=scott touser=ali file=c:\exp_scott.dmp

  • Replace scott name with the user name, who's schema you are about to import
  • Replace ali with the user name, who is going to imp this schema
  • Replace the path and file name to where you have saved the schema while exporting
You have now successfully imported the schema.

If you have any further queries than please don't hesitate to comment.


Monday, December 9, 2013



In this tutorial I will show you how you can create a user account in mysql and assign permission to that account according to your need.

1. Open up your command prompt

2. Inside CMD navigate to bin folder inside your mysql and type mysql

Now mySql stores all the user information in a database called mysql, so we will use this database to create a account

3. Type use mysql ;

Now Inside this database there is a table name user, we will use this table. If you want to take a look of this table type select * from user \G ;

By using the above query you can see it list all the privileges you can set along with Host,User and Password

4. Now in order to create a user type the following query

insert into user (Host,User,Password,create_privs,delete_priv,update_priv,insert_priv) values ('localhost','Ali',Password("f00"),'Y','Y','Y','Y');

Now to describe the above query

As you can see I used 4 types of privileges and set them to yes, all the remaining privileges will set to No by default. You can specify fields according to your requirement.

Now for the password, I used a built in function name Password(), This function is use to decrypt our password, as you can see the below figure although our password is f00 but it is listed as a complex number

5. Last but not least, we have create the account but it is not active yet to make it active the following


This will change the update the privileges and you can use the newly created account.

If you have any further queries than please do comment.


Friday, December 6, 2013

How To Create a VPN Server Windows 7

To create a VPN Server just follow the steps

1. Goto Control Panel, and select network and sharing center

2. Now from the left menu, click on Change Adapter Settings

3. Now from file menu select New Incoming Connection (You must be a system administrator to perform this step)

4. Now from the newly opened window, select the users to whom you want to allow to access VPN Server (Your client will use these account to access the VPN), Click on Next
  • You can also add new user by clicking on Add someone button

 5. Now put checkmark on Through the Internet, Click on Next

6. Now select the protocol you want to use for the VPN Server. (It is recommended to leave all setting default)

7. Select Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4), and click on properties

8. Select Specify IP Addresses 

9. Now enter the IP address range that your clients will use to access your internal network, click on OK

The IP network should match against your internal IP network

10. Now Finally click on Allow Access

If you want users to connect to this VPN Server through internet, than you would need to forward port 1723 to your IP Address

You can find more information about portforwarding on
  • Your VPN Server is now ready for the clients to connect
  • Client can connect to your VPN by either using your computer Name or by using IP Address
I hope it was informative for you, and I would like to Thank you for reading

Port Forwarding On PTCL ZXDSL 831CII Modem

Port forwarding allows remote computers (for example, computers on the Internet) to connect to a specific computer or service within a private local-area network (LAN).

In this tutorial I will show you how to forward ports for Remote VPN.

In order to allow remote users to connect to VPN server a port 1723 must be forwarded.

This tutorial is specific for PTCL ZXDSL 831CII Modem, since different model/router have different option and GUI. But the concept will remain same

1. Open up your browser, and in the address bar type
  • You will be asked for User Id and Password just type admin for both options

2. Now from the top Menu click on Advance

3. From Left menu click on NAT

4. From the dropDown menu select PVC7
  • Afrer selecting click on Virtual Server

5. Rule Index : Total 16 rules for port forwarding can be added you can select any free index that is not being use by any other application

Application : Type a short description/name of application for which you are port forwarding

Start Port Number : Enter starting range for port to include in this rule

End Port Number : Enter the end range for port to include in this rule

Local IP Address : Type the IP Address of the PC for which your VPN server is installed

6. Finally Click on Save

You are done you have successfully forward yout ports for VPN server

I hope it was informative for you, and I would like to Thank you for reading.

How to Create A VPN Client Windows 7

To Create a VPN Client Follow the simple Steps

1. Goto Control Panel and select Network and Sharing Center

2. Now Select Set up a new connection or Network

3. Select connect to a workplace, and click on Next

4. Select Use my Internet Connection (VPN)

5. In internet Address type the IP or Domain name address of your VPN Server, click on Next
  • You can assign a unique name for this connection in Destination Name

6. Enter the username and password that will be use to connect to VPN Server. (VPN Server Administrator will provide you this information)

7. Now finally click on Connect

Thats it you will be connected to your VPN

I hope it was informative for you, and I would like to Thank you for reading.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


   while connecting to oracle other than sysdba you might have encounter an error something like below

ORA-28000: the account is locked

this is because when we install oracle by default all accounts are locked except for sysdba and system account. Now in order to use the locked account, we will first have to unlock it.

ok so in order to unlock the account, you must be connected to oracle you can use either sysdba or system account which are by default unlocked.

1. In SQLPlus type conn / as sysdba, than hit enter now it will ask you for password by default the password is set to sysdba you can simply hit enter or you could type the password both are acceptable.

2. Now type alter user scott account unlock;

Now even though the account is unlocked, but we still cannot use it to connect to oracle, why because we will need to assign a password to this account.

3. type alter user scott identified by tiger;

We have successfully unlock the account "scott" and set it's password to "tiger"

If you have any further queries than please do comment.